Convenience is Conveniently Convenient

Is there a company event on the horizon? A conference? A meeting? Maybe all three! Don’t worry; we’re on it. Many companies hire us to travel to their location to take professional pictures other than headshots. These pictures have included candid shots of working employees, people posed in a conference room, company-wide parties and much more. However, a large percentage of these businesses take advantage of their situation by having all of the present employees get their corporate headshots done while at the conference or event. We know: Wall St. is a busy place with even busier virtuosos. So, why have everyone return when you’ve got them all now? The convenience of using an office event as a pop-up headshot studio can make a big undertaking feel a little smaller.

A few weeks ago we visited a small startup company which was in need of professional photos for their new website. Because it’s a young company, both in founding and employee age, they were interested in capturing the youth and unconventionality of their business through candid pictures during a company meeting. Employees chatting? Sure. Atmosphere of the event? No problem. In essence, they wanted sincere, creative and inspiring photographs that portrayed their easy-going, yet professional environment and workflow. We slinked around and caught great shots of employees walking on the treadmills housed under their standing desks, talking business at “cactus corner” and even feeding the office guinea pig. As casual and relaxed as the atmosphere was, in the end, the results were professional and captured exactly what was requested and more. So, don’t think you’re out of luck if your company is unconventional, eccentric or…just plain odd; we’ll take it from here.

Remember that young startup I was talking about? That’s right, they needed corporate headshots, too. You’re probably thinking, “So you came back and took pictures of the employees…it’s not rocket science.” Well, you’re right; it’s not rocket science. However, we didn’t come back: not the next day or the week after. Why, you ask? It’s simple: time-management. They decided it would be beneficial to save time by coupling their company meeting with company-wide headshots. Whether you work in the Financial District, NoHo or Midtown, we all know it’s imperative to have a good headshot to “make it” in any industry. So ask yourself, why not keep the ball rolling and get those headshots now, while everyone is in house? Take it from the startup that left other businesses in the dust – the sooner, the better. Like the early bird, take a page from their book and use your company event or conference as a way to improve on time-management and steal the proverbial worm.

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